What is Stopping You?
Have you ever had a great idea that you did not act on? Of course, you have. Just a good idea and you didn’t move on it. Something that would have made you money.
I have a friend I'll call Erica. Erica is an independent business owner and a deep, creative thinker. I have great respect for her abilities to understand her clients and develop unique solutions for them. But her business is not booming.
The funny thing is this entrepreneur has more brilliant ideas about how to build a business than anyone I know. The problem is she doesn't implement any of them. She is just one of those people who stops before he ever gets started.
Do you have more ideas than action steps? Why don't you just get going?
I encounter this issue often with people who have tons of great ideas about what to do next, that never get implemented. I can I have been there myself. I was wondering why this happens. I think I’ve found the reason.
1. Lack of an inspiring, motivating purpose
Why should we do anything? Why indeed! The BIG WHY is called purpose. Without a strong purpose more urgent things take over. Phone conversations, email, interruptions anything can throw us off track. We don’t have the energy and it is energy that organizes your actions and that brings the important things to pass.
2. No clear vision
Without a clear written vision, you can't see where you want to go. And if you don't see it, you won't proceed aggressively and confidently to obtain it. Whatever it is--will you? So even if you craft a plan--to take you...you must make sure you are starting with the end in mind. This concept made famous by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich.
3. Not willing to make sacrifices or do the work
You already have more than enough to do, we are ALL busy. Whatever else you take on means something must be set aside. Sacrifice means giving up something of value for something of even greater value. Which means there is something more valuable to sacrifice for. And you haven't clarified what that 'something' is. Or maybe you just aren't sure that it is worth it.
This means you must give up free relaxation time, play time, or whatever. But it always comes down to sacrifice, and the big question is, is it worth it. (By the way, I plead guilty to this one. There are times when I feel I have something important to accomplish, I just don't feel it's important enough to get it done.
4. Lack of belief
If you are certain something will work, there is no risk and you will likely act. On the other hand, if you are uncertain--and most things are uncertain to some degree--you wonder if it the risk is worth it.
So, what do you believe? Do you believe your actions will pay off or not? If you aren't sure, how much effort will you put into it? Will you hesitate? Postpone? Procrastinate?
Lack of confidence is the biggest dream killer of them all.
5. Fear
I know with me it comes down to fear. I have a vision and a purpose, and I just know it’s worth the risks but what I do most is allow my fear to get me to procrastinate. What if this does not work out. I’ll fall on my face. I’ve heard it said millions of time and you probably must. DO IT AFRAID! Procrastination can be crippling. If you just spend 15 minutes on the project, it beats nothing. You must realign your priorities and reevaluate your time and energy. Be dedicated to least moving in forward motion.
What stops you? Any one of these five things holding you back? Or maybe a combination of things. Once you identify what stops you, it is much easier to address and move forward. I encourage you to transform your ideas into reality. You will be glad you did.
- Kim